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Our Services

BOOK BY PHONE: 917 216 44 68


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Ready to proceed with your dream machine but don't want to turn the process of selecting parts and build into a nightmare? We'll got you covered!

Package includes:

  • Analysis, preparation of the PC components list (2 variants) for your custom PC

  • Market search for best deals on selected components

  • Finalized PDF file with list of components and links to the e-shops with best deals

  • Assembly of the custom PC, software installation (Mobile service at client’s location available)

  • 3 Months warranty on free repair services

from $150.00
custom production pc
computer assembly


Already have a stack of components but looking for someone to convert it into a joy machine? Just say a word!

Package includes:

  • Analysis, consultation based on the Client's PC components list

  • Assembly of the custom PC, software installation (Mobile service at client’s location available)

  • 1 Month warranty on free repair services

from $100.00
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Computer recovery


Your machine became slow, you see unfamiliar signs in its work like CPU overheating or incorrect work of video card? Bring it to us for diagnostics and cure potion!

Mobile service at client’s location available

from $75.00

Mobile service at Client's location:

Mon-Fri: 10am - 7pm

Sat-Sun: 12pm - 7pm